You will be asked: What is the address of the emergency? What municipality is the emergency in? What is the phone number you are calling from? What is your name? Tell me exactly what happened.

There are many street names and addresses that are repeated throughout Dauphin County, as well as other neighboring counties. Verifying the township, borough or city helps ensure we are sending help to the correct location.

Try to remain calm and speak clearly; do not shout. Answer the questions as best as you can. Do not hang up until told to do so.

The questions are designed to gather vital information about the incident for the responders, as well as ensure the caller, victim(s), bystanders, and responders are safe.

Often times it takes less than 60 seconds to initiate a dispatch. As soon as the telecommunicator gathers basic information, the event is entered into the Computer-Aided Dispatch (CAD) system while another dispatcher sends appropriate help. Field providers then respond as they are available and prioritize incidents for response if during a particularly busy time.

Yes. However, police prefer your name and phone number be obtained for their records. If requested, this information will NOT be given out over the radio.

Dial 9-1-1. We can take your information then provide you with the non-emergency number for next time. Don’t hesitate to call.

Stay on the line and let us know if was a misdial. Police will still be notified of the call and may respond to ensure there is no emergency.

For any questions pertaining to the radio system, email [email protected]

Water, food, battery-powered or hand crank radio, extra batteries, flashlight, first aid kit, dust mask, cell phone and chargers, prescription medication, cash, important family documents, etc.  More information can be found here and at www.readypa.org.

It is recommended to have 1 gallon per person per day, for at least 3 days.  Don’t forget about pets!

Emergency instructions will be relayed via radio and TV. It’s a good idea to have a battery-powered or hand crank radio available in case there is no power.

You will need to check with the shelter; some shelters are able to take pets, others are not equipped

Notify your local emergency management coordinator. He/she can be contacted through your local municipal office.