Land Bank Authority

Dauphin County Land Bank Authority
3211 North Front Street, Suite 301-C
 Harrisburg, PA  17110
(717) 780-6250 Phone
(717) 780-6258 Fax

The Dauphin County Land Bank Authority will use available resources to facilitate the return of vacant, blighted, abandoned and tax-delinquent properties to productive use thereby combating community deterioration, creating economic growth and stabilizing the housing and job market.

The Land Bank shall be governed by a Board of Directors comprised of seven (7) members that reflect the diversity and range of interests affected by the Land Bank’s activities.

The Land Bank will acquire, hold and transfer interest in real property throughout Dauphin County as approved by the Board of Directors for the following purposes consistent with the goals established by the Dauphin County Land Bank Ordinance, local government partners and other community stakeholders:

  • To deter the spread of blight
  • To promote redevelopment and reuse of vacant, abandoned, and tax-delinquent properties
  • To support targeted efforts to stabilize neighborhoods
The Land Bank also administers the Demolition Fund which provides grant funding to eligible projects to assist with demolition of blighted structures.  The Board considers Demolition Fund applications on a rolling basis throughout the year.  Awards are made based on the project meeting specific criteria including addressing blight, returning properties to produce use, and the ability of the applicant to complete a post-demolition project.  To apply to the Land Bank Authority for demolition funds, please review, complete and submit the application found here.

Board Information - Members, Schedule, Agendas & Minutes

** The Dauphin County Land Bank Authority Board meetings will be Live Streamed on the Dauphin County DCED YouTube channel. Please use the following link:

Certificate of Incorporation
Exhibit A
Land Bank Brochure - coming soon


Tuscarora Street (rendering), Susquehanna Twp. Millersburg Reamer & Tool Company
  3504 Centerfield Road, Susquehanna Township


Financial Audit

LBA 2023 Audited Financial Statements

LBA 2022 Audited Financial Statements

LBA 2021 Audited Financial Statements

LBA 2020 Audited Financial Statements

LBA 2019 Audited Financial Statements

LBA 2018 Audited Financial Statements