Local Rules of Court

Civil Local Rules (91)

Dauphin County Standard Interrogatories

Rule 14 - Land Use Appeals

Rule 51A - Court Dates

Rule 205.1 - Removing Papers From Prothonotary's Office

Rule 205.2(a) - Physical Characteristics of Pleadings and Other Legal Papers

Rule 205.2(b) - Cover Sheets (Under Further Review and Consideration)

Rule 205.4 - Civil Procedure | Electronic Filing

Rule 206.1(a) - Petitions

Rule 206.4(c) - Applications Designated to Proceed as Petitions- Rules to Show Cause

Rule 208.2(c) - Motions-Statement of Applicable Authority

Rule 208.2(d) - Motions – Concurrence Certification

Rule 208.2(e) - Discovery Motions-Certifications

Rule 208.3(a) - Motion Procedure

Rule 208.3(b) - Contested Motions

Rule 208.4 - Motions-Entry of Order

Rule 210 - Form and Content of Briefs

Rule 211 - Oral Argument

Rule 212.1 - Notice of Earliest Trial Date. Filing of Pre-Trial Statements

Rule 212.2 - Contents of Pre-Trial Statements

Rule 212.3 - Pre-Trial Conferences in Jury Trial Cases

Rule 214 - Preferences

Rule 215.1 - Jury Trials

Rule 215.3 - Status Conferences

Rule 215.4 - Application for Appointment of a Judge for All Pretrial Matters and Trial

Rule 227.1 - Motions After Trial

Rule 227.1A - Appeals

Rule 236 - Notice by Prothonotary of Entry of Order, Decree or Judgment

Rule 237.5 - Notice of Intention to Enter Default Judgment

Rule 240 - In Forma Pauperis - Civil Cases

Rule 430 - Service Pursuant to Special Order of Court. Publication

Rule 1001 - Mediation

Rule 1012 - Self-Represented Party Entry of Appearance Non Family Law Civil Actions

Rule 1018.1 - Notice to Defend Form

Rule1028c - Preliminary Objections-Procedures for Disposition

Rule 1034(a) - Motion for Judgment on the Pleadings-Procedures for Disposition

Rule 1035.2a - Motion for Summary Judgment-Procedures for Disposition

Rule 1038 - Trial Without Jury

Rule 1301 - Arbitration

Rule 1302 - List of Arbitrators. Appointment of Board. Compensation

Rule 1303 - Listing of a Case. Notice. Location. Continuances

Rule 1308 - Appeal Compensation

Rule 1534 - Accounts of Fiduciaries

Rule 1703 - Class Actions

Rule 1901.3 - Protection from Abuse Filings

Rule 1902 - Commencement of Action

Rule 1905A - Violation of a Temporary or Final Order

Rule 1905B - Private Criminal Complaint for Violation of Order or Agreement

Rule 1905C - Notification of Victim Upon Release of Offender

Rule 1910.7 - Questions of Jurisdiction or Venue

Rule 1910.11 - Domestic Relations Cases - Demand for Hearing de Novo Before the court

Rule 1910.20 -Support Order. Notice Pursuant to 23 Pa.C.S. §4303.(a)(2) Regarding Release of Child Support Account Information to Credit Reporting Agencies

Rule 1915.1 - Scope

Rule 1915.3 - Custody Actions

Rule 1915.4-2 - Custody Conference Officers

Rule 1915.4-3 - Non-Appearance at Custody Conference Before a Custody Conference Officer

Rule 1915.4-4 - Pre-trial Conferences and Trial

Rule 1915.5 - Question of Jurisdiction or Venue. No Responsive Pleading Required. Counterclaim

Rule 1915.7 - Agreements

Rule 1915.11-1 - Parenting Coordination

Rule 1915.12 - Petition for Contempt of Custody Orders, Custody Agreement, Or Parenting Plan

Rule 1915.13 - Emergency Petitions for Special Relief And Emergency Petitions for Custody

Rule 1915.15 - Petition for Modification of a Custody Order

Rule 1915.17 - Relocation-Change of Address Which Will Significantly Impair the Ability of a Non-Relocating Party to Exercise Custodial Rights 

Rule 1915.30 - Mandatory Co-Parenting Video Viewing

Rule 1920.1 - Form of Divorce or Annulment Complaint

Rule 1920.2 - Question of Jurisdiction or Venue

Rule 1920.43 - Pre-Hearing Divorce Matters, Special Relief, Advance Distribution, Discovery, Post-Divorce Issues (Other Than Exceptions To Hearing Officer’s Report)

Rule 1920.51 - Equitable Distribution, Divorce, Annulment, Alimony, Counsel Fees, Costs and Expenses

Rule 1920.51a - Administrative Fees for Divorce Matters

Rule 1920.74(a) - FORM-Motion for Appointment of Hearing Officer

Rule 1920.74(b) - FORM-Order Appointing Hearing Officer and Scheduling Preliminary Conference

Rule 1920.77 - Divorce Information Sheet

Rule 1930.1 - Public Access

Rule 1930.8 - Self-Represented Party Entry of Appearance- Family Law Matters

Rule 2039 - Petitions for Approval of Minor's Compromises

Rule 2039A - Form

Rule 2039B - Form

Rule 2206 - Petitions for Approval of Wrongful Death and Survival Settlements

Rule 2206A - Form 2206A

Rule 4005 - Number of Interrogatories 

Rule 4006 - Standard Interrogatories-Document Requests

Rule 4014 - Number of Requests for Admissions

Rule 4019 - Discovery

Rule 5001 - Attorneys

Rule 5002 - Money Paid Into Court

Rule 5003 - Views and Viewers

Rule 5004 - Auditors, Referees and Masters